“They’re a rotten crowd’, I shouted across the lawn. ‘You’re worth the
whole damn bunch put together.” F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby “The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their
whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.”
كانت ابتسامته واحدة من تلك الابتسامات التي تحمل إليك طمأنينة دائمة،
والتي لا تلتقي بها في حياتك إلا أربع أو خمس مرات، كانت ابتسامة تواجه
العالم الخارجي لحظة - أو تبدو كأنها تواجهه - ثم تتركز عليك أنت، فتتحيز
لك دون تحرج، كانت تفهمك تماماً كما تحب أن تُفهم، وتؤمن بك تماماً كما تحب
أن تؤمن بنفسك، وتؤكد لك أنها تحمل عنك الصورة التي تحب أن تضيفها على من
حولك "
غاتسبي العظيم
“وهكذا نواصل التجديف ومراكبنا تبحر عكس التيار لنُحمل دون توقف إلى الماضي”
They say you're the world's only living heart donor.
Linus Larrabee:
So, that really is a beautiful name. How did you get it? Sabrina:
My father's reading. It's in a poem. Linus Larrabee:
Oh? Sabrina:
"Sabrina fair, listen where thou art sitting under the glassy, cool,
translucent wave, in twisted braids of lilies knitting the loose train
of thy amber-dropping hair." Sabrina:
[laughs to herself]
It's an incredible airplane - it's beautiful. I've never seen anything like it. Linus Larrabee:
Ah, yes.
[returns to reading his work papers]
Don't you ever look out the window? Linus Larrabee:
When do I have time? Sabrina:
What happened to all that time we saved taking the helicopter? Linus Larrabee:
I'm storing it up. Sabrina:
No, you're not. Linus Larrabee:
So, your little poem - what does it mean? Sabrina:
It's the story of a water sprite who saved a virgin from a fate worse than death. Linus Larrabee:
And Sabrina's the virgin. Sabrina:
Sabrina's the savior.
"Kelly had to let me go .... .... I knew I had lost her then (4 yrs back) because I was never going to get off that Island. I was going to die there. Totally alone. I was sick, scared, injured. The only choice I had - the only thing I CONTROLLED - was when, and how, and where it was going to happen... So... I made a rope... and went up to the summit (a cliff, with a single tree at it's very edge) to hang myself. I had to test it you know...of course, you know me... (He tests it by tying a heavy log to the rope and letting it hang by the tree) AND THE WEIGHT... OF THE LOG... SNAPPED... THE LIMB OF THE TREE.... So I-I--I couldn't even kill my self the way I wanted to. I.. HAD.. POWER.. OVER.. NOTHING. .... .... .... That's when this feeling came over me - like a warm blanket. I knew, somehow, I had to stay alive. Somehow... I had to keep breathing... Even though there was no reason to hope... And all my logic said that I would never see this place (his home) again. So thats what I did... I stayed alive. I kept breathing... And one day that logic was proved all wrong, because the tide came in and gave me a sail. And now here I am. Back in Memphis. Talking to you. I have ice in my Glass...!!! (looks at the Ice in his glass with wonder)
And I have lost her all over again...
I am so sad that I dont have Kelly. but I am so grateful that she was not with me on that island.
And I know what I have to do now... I have to keep breathing... Because TOMORROW THE SUN WILL RISE...Who knows what the Tide could bring..."